3 Under 3

I may look crazy to some, I may seem rude to others, I may look like I don’t have it all together...but I do have 3 children under the ages of 3 so bring on the looks :). Life may seem crazy, chaotic and overwhelming at times, but I love having 3 children under 3 years of age. My hands may seem full to some, but they are full of good things. I could have made it more simpler on myself, I could have been smarter at planning their conceptions, though Gods plan was greater. My life may look messy at times, perfection isn’t my goal. Sleep training my 3 children has kept me sain, and well rested. Having a good night of sleep is everything to me. I still have 3 children napping all at the same time, I manage to make dinner most nights of the week, and some how I get around to house work here and there. You may ask, “how do you do it all”, I guess my answer is "I don’t". I let the house work slide, laundry may be pilled up in the hamper, my dog doesn’t get walked any more...unless my good friend kindly offers to walk him (thank you @ www.tiffanymorgandesign.com), but at the end of the day, all my kids go to bed at the same time, I get quality time with my husband at night, I get date nights with my husband, and I find joy in my kids everyday being with them (even with the tantrums and meltdowns). I credit all of this to sleep training. I have consistent kids, predicable attitudes (though very different personalities), and they themselves are joyful. If we stay up late or skip a nap due to a play date, BBQ or event, and someone has a meltdown, I know why (and it’s ok).

Sleep training gives you a predicable day (though some may not want a predicable day), it works for our family. Living every day, there may never be a day that was perfect, but I try to find purpose in each day. Right now in this journey of motherhood, my purpose today is to raise my kids with a joyful & thankful heart unto the Lord. As a mother you represent everything that our culture hates, because you represent laying down your life for another—and laying down your life for another represents God calls us to do as mothers. Laying down your own life, in any way, is scary. Being a mother, some fear that your dreams will die, that your future will die, that your freedom will die. Lay down your laundry, lay down the fussiness, lay down the dishes and pour your life into your little ones. Put their value ahead of yours. Give your life joyfully for theirs every day.


Be Consistent


Is your baby taking short naps?