Welcome to EAT PLAY SLEEP. I am here as your Baby Sleep Trainer to help you through what may look like a long journey of endless sleepless nights, will soon become a reality of restful nights. Your house is probably a mess at some point of the day, showers have become a lower priority for yourself and when someone asks how you are doing, you answer “I’m doing good”, with a fake smile, exhausted inside, ready to cry at any moment.
As parents, we want to feel like we can do it on our own or we know everything because we read some book. You may have read all the sleep books out there, and now you feel overwhelmed and confused from all the contradicting advice. Sometimes we need an advisor or coach to help us along the way to figure out the what’s, how’s, when’s
and why’s of babyhood that we don’t understand and personalize it specific to our baby’s needs.
Newborns, older babies and toddlers all have changing patterns with their sleep, eating and playtime routine. As your baby sleep trainer, I will help create a routine and schedule that makes life easier as parents, by bringing sanity to your life with better sleep for your baby and you.
I am here to coach you along the way, down a path that may seem hard or frustrating at times, but as a result you will have a much happier sleeping baby. Please see my consulting services to help you toward these goals.
Newborn Services.
Newborn Deluxe
11-Week Program starts from day 1. This will include consultation by phone to determine the needs of your baby & family, what getting your baby on a sleep schedule looks like and any questions in preparation for the baby to arrive. You will receive a schedule that is designed to fit your baby’s needs that include feeding times, nap times, and bed times via email. Daily you’ll be given direction and goals via email how to get through each night and guidance for naps. By 6-8 weeks in age, your baby will be sleeping through the night. By the end of 11 weeks, your baby will no longer be feeding through the night and will be sleeping 11-12 hours at night.
Newborn Premiere
6-8 Week Program. Includes everything in NEWBORN DELUXE within 8 weeks. Will achieve 8-9 hours sleeping through the night. Baby has to be at least 4 weeks of age to start Newborn Premiere.
*Client has to have completed the NEWBORN DELUXE/PREMIER or BABY SUPERIOR program. Depending on the age, stage and stubbornness of baby, we will work hard to troubleshoot the babies sleep issues and other needs as quickly as possible.
Baby Services.
Baby Superior
2-Week Program. Includes everything in NEWBORN DELUXE (for babies older than 9 weeks of age that need help with sleep issues and new transitions). Depending on the obstacle your baby may be facing, we will achieve goals specific for the age, including making headway to sleeping 12 hours at night (which may take longer than the 2 weeks), a regular nap and feeding schedule. After the BABY SUPERIOR program, I am available week by week until we accomplish our goal.
Baby Elite
Week-to-Week Program. Includes everything in NEWBORN DELUXE. As our babies grow, there are new transitions with eating, awake time and sleep. Around 4 months, 6 months, 7-9 months and 12 months, there are new transitions with schedules and eating changes. Depending on the specific need of the baby, we will work together to get your baby through this transition phase. Transition phases may include sleep issues, introducing solids, or change of nap and eating schedules as the baby grows.
*Client has to have completed the NEWBORN DELUXE/PREMIER or BABY SUPERIOR program. Depending on the age, stage and stubbornness of baby, we will work hard to troubleshoot the babies sleep issues and other needs as quickly as possible.
Toddler Services.
Toddler Elite
Week-to-Week Program for toddlers. Before and during the week, we will consult by phone to determine your needs for you and your toddler. As your baby becomes a toddler, some experience new sleep issues, problems with transferring from a crib to bed, potty training issues, new eating obstacles, getting rid of pacifier issues and issues with how to handle discipline. If a new eating or nap schedule is needed, we will create a new schedule that best fits you and your family. Daily you will be given direction and goals via email how to get through each day/night regarding your specific need for your baby. Depending on the specific need of the baby, we will work together to get your baby through this transition phase.